Terms of Use

LiberTEA Network is an in developement social platform for Illinois LiberTEA and afilliates. Illinois LiberTEA is a privately funded non-profit and non-partisan grassroots group of concerned citizens.

Our terms & policies are a work in progress, however - here are the basics:

LiberTEA Network Terms of Use & Updates

Our LiberTEAnet Team is currently working on developing full legal terms and policies. Registered LiberTEA Network members will be notified of all updates.
*LiberTEA Network reserves the right to update terms & policies with notice to users at any time.

No Anonymous Users

User accounts that aren't verified within 30 days will be deleted. We're striving to provide a safe networking environment for patriots to work together. LiberTEA Network provides privacy settings and blocking ability as needed along with a reporting system for abusive material and content. We can't work together if we don't know who we are.

No Criminal Activities

Does this really need an explanation? We have zero tolerance for scammers, identity theft, violence and any other criminal activity. Criminal activities will be turned into the authorities...

No Pornography Allowed

We're a family friendly coalition... leave the smut on facebook ;)

No Personal Attacks

If you're here to pick fights, go back to facebook. It's ok to disagree, we all have a right to our own opinions. But, let's keep it friendly - we're all on the same side. Discussion is great, but no personal attacks allowed.